TONER Home Performance has provided services directly to architects and builders on a business-to-business basis for 15 years.
Architects and Builders utilize THP to provide Building Performance Design at the beginning of a new project to ensure that the design is fully realized and the performance standard is met.
If things are not performing correctly, THP performs the forensic review and provides suggestions and strategies for resolution.
Architects, builders, and contractors often use TONER to help manage pre-litigation or litigation cases and provide the best expert resources.
Building Performance Design
We then consolidate the design in concise Building Performance Specification Books for use by all team members.
We finish by supporting the project with meetings, site verifications, and final testing.
- The Building Performance Design is needed to have a complete project that avoids performance failures
- The design is where clients' health needs are addressed
- The design is delivered in an architectural specification book that is utilized as a map for performance success

Building Performance Forensics
The goal is to evaluate a home as a system and provide a clean, clear third-party opinion as to the cause of the issue and how to resolve it in construction detail.
It is essential to understand that THP does not provide the resolution services. This way, the evaluation and opinion are trustworthy third-party, not an attempt to “sell” something.
- Our expertise is extensive and covers big subjects like HVAC performance, moisture, and mold, down to little subjects such as odd bugs and flooring issues
- Medical professionals often refer THP to evaluate homes that may be affecting occupant health
- After completing a review, THP makes referrals to the best trades and contractors or can help coordinate any resolutions
Building Experts
Expert support can be provided pre-ligation with the shared coordination of a third-party resolutions service. Or, THP will be a vital partner in defending the client’s case during litigation
- THP manages all the experts in the case to ensure a smooth process
- Our delivery time averages only two weeks vs the average of 45 days
- We never charge for case reviews and initial consolations

Part of our design process either fully or partially complies with the state energy code requirements, albeit in the correct version.
You can set up a direct call with Toner or a team member by completing the schedule consultation form. We typically have those calls within 24 hours. There is no fee for the call. Based on your situation, we may request some documents related to your case for review and a second call. We do this if we can help move you forward with more reflection. There is also no fee for this effort.
Some projects will use an “Energy Rater.” This person will utilize free online software to complete a ResCheck. Then, they will wait until the end of the project to do some testing and put a sticker inside the electrical panel. This is not the energy code certification process.
THP will produce a professional energy model meeting the full performance specifications, modify them as the project develops, and perform verification of the application of that specification during the construction phase (3-5 physical trips on average). Then, we will perform envelope and duct pressure testing at the completion. Last, we register the project on the national registry in our name.